Designing scientifically sound protocol in Clinical Trial

Friday, November 17, 2017 Relejuvant Clinical 1 2 Comments

Protocol is a pivotal document for conducting a clinical trial. All the different steps that would be implemented and executed in a clinical trial have to be clearly documented in protocol. Generally the sponsor of a clinical trial would  draft the protocol. Once a protocol is drafted initially it undergoes different corrections and modifications before deciding the final version. But drafting and finalizing a clinical study protocol is not sufficient to start a clinical trial.
Before starting a clinical trial the protocol along with other important documents like Informed consent form (ICF), case report form (CRF) has to be sent to the regulatory authorities for approval. The regulatory authorities in different countries would check the proposed protocol thoroughly with special emphasis on the safety, well being of the subjects. If the design of the study in the protocol and well as the methodologies that is depicted in protocol, reflects that trail subjects safety is maintained, then the protocol gets approved. Designing a scientifically strong protocol is one of the most important step in any clinical trial. 

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